Math Liquid Line Plot Worksheet

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interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS 5.MD.B.2 - Math Liquid Line Plot - page 1interactive

About the Liquid Line Plot 2 Worksheet

Liquid Line Plot 2 is an advanced mathematical worksheet that explores larger liquid measurements while working with fractions. This interactive and printable worksheet features three beakers with a maximum capacity of 200 ml each, and students must plot liquid levels based on given fractions (1/8, 1/4, and 1/2). The increased measurement scale adds complexity to the task while maintaining the fundamental concepts of fraction visualization and measurement conversion.

The worksheet challenges students to work with a higher range of measurements, requiring them to convert fractions to milliliters on a scale of 0 to 200 ml. Students must carefully plot the data points, calculate the total volume of liquid across all beakers, and determine equal distribution amounts. This practical application helps students understand the relationship between fractions and larger measurement units while developing their mathematical reasoning and analytical skills in a real-world context.

What will your child learn through this worksheet?

  • Working with larger measurement scales and fractions
  • Converting fractions to milliliters in a higher range
  • Understanding proportional relationships
  • Calculating volumes and equal distribution with larger quantities

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will accurately plot liquid measurements on an expanded scale using this digital worksheet
  • Students will correctly calculate total volumes and equal distributions in this worksheet
  • Students will demonstrate understanding of fraction-to-measurement conversion with larger numbers


  • Students will develop skills in scaling fractions to larger measurements through this digital worksheet
  • Students will learn to analyze and interpret data with increased numerical values in this worksheet


  • Students will practice precise plotting on larger measurement scales in this digital worksheet
  • Students will enhance their accuracy in marking graduated measurements through this worksheet


  • Students will build confidence in handling larger numerical values using this digital worksheet
  • Students will develop appreciation for scaling and proportional thinking through this worksheet


  • Students will strengthen their understanding of measurement relationships through this digital worksheet
  • Students will improve their problem-solving skills with larger quantities in this worksheet


line plots, extended measurements, liquid volume, fractions, milliliters, data visualization, scaling, proportional reasoning, mathematical plotting, measurement conversion, data analysis, grade 5 math, advanced measurements, problem-solving, volume calculation, fraction to decimal conversion, analytical thinking

Publisher: Workybooks
Written by:Serena Din
Illustrated by: Sagar Kumar

Common core standards covered

Make a line plot to display a data set of measurements in fractions of a unit (1/2, 1/4, 1/8). Use operations on fractions for this grade to solve problems involving information presented in line plots. For example, given different measurements of liquid in identical beakers, find the amount of liquid each beaker would contain if the total amount in all the beakers were redistributed equally.

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